Open Source Summit 2023 I'm currently at the Open Source Summit in Vancouver. So far I have attended mostly the Open JS sessions but also keeping an eye out for sessions on Machine Learning and data. PS: Vancouver is beautiful!
Stage `git status` output in one go. Here is a nice little command to stage multiple modified files in a Git project in one go. git add $(git status -s | cut -c 4-) The -s flag tells the status sub-command to output the results in short-format giving us a letter or "??" to indicate the file status followed
Everything Isn't Good Enough I recently had the pleasure of using a popular cloud base password database service as part of a migration. Upon sign-up, the website directed me to a page to either install their app or an extension. I was not interested in either but the page did not seem to provide
Three Lies Told About Tertiary Education and GATE After leaving secondary school in 2006, somehow I still managed to find myself traveling to Port of Spain, Monday to Friday every week. Quite often, on that loathsome Maxi Taxi ride I would end up hearing the radio segment of a then well known pastor and owner of a Tertiary
Mass Ignorance In The Age Of Cheap Knowledge As a child in the 1990s, the World Book Encyclopedia and Childcraft series provided me with an escape. In one volume, I could learn about the moon and planets of our solar system, in another, the fate of the Dodo, and other victims of humanity. One book talked about various
Computer Security Versus Actual Computer Use At what point do our computers spend most of the time keeping us "safe" vs actually doing the work we bought them for? This question has been popping into my mind more and more lately, most times when I'm using a Windows machine or helping someone who does. It also
Use Cases For JavaScript Bitwise Operators This article [] by Glad Chinda [] came up while I was doing some research into ECMAScript numbers and bitwise operations for Potoo 3. It's quite helpful so I'm posting it here lest I forget it. Potoo 3 will be using
Inaccurate Results From Floating Point Arithmetic (JavaScript) This post was originally supposed to be a quick note about rounding in JavaScript. Further research into the scenario I describe below lead me deep into the land of floating point arithmetic and loss of precision. While running testing for a financial application , I realized some automatically calculated balance totals
Some Unicode Notes Update: I added another useful post about Unicode thanks to this [] tweet. Every now and again I find myself reading up on character sets, usually when I'm doing some kind of heavy text processing. When I first started out programming I used to tell
Socialism's influence on Trinidad and Tobago A topic well deserving of its own book and I'd be surprised if no one has written it yet. Socialism to me (and its various forms), has been one of the major hindrances to the proper development of Trinidad and Tobago, right up there with the colonial mentality, slave culture,